Capital District Bird-Finding Calendar (rev. 1/7/2014)

Capital District Bird-Finding Calendar (rev. 1/7/2014)

Canada Goose Abundant year-round resident

Mallard Abundant year-round resident

Great Blue Heron Uncommon year-round resident

Sharp-shinned Hawk Uncommon year-round resident

Cooper’s Hawk Uncommon year-round resident

Red-tailed Hawk Common year-round resident

Rock Pigeon Abundant year-round resident

Mourning Dove Abundant year-round resident

Downy Woodpecker Common year-round resident

Hairy Woodpecker Common year-round resident

Blue Jay Common year-round resident

American Crow Abundant year-round resident

Black-capped Chickadee Common year-round resident

Tufted Titmouse Common year-round resident

Red-breasted Nuthatch Uncommon year-round resident

White-breasted Nuthatch Common year-round resident

Eastern Bluebird Uncommon year-round resident

American Robin Common year-round resident

European Starling Abundant year-round resident

Song Sparrow Common year-round resident Spring=Abundant; Winter=Uncommon
Northern Cardinal Common year-round resident

House Finch Uncommon year-round resident

American Goldfinch Common year-round resident

House Sparrow Abundant year-round resident

Species Name Occurrence Approximate Arrival Date
Habitat preference and additional information.

Likely location(s) to observe the species.

Snow Goose Seasonally abundant migrant Spring: 3/12; Fall: 10/15
More common in fall, feeding in harvested cornfields and resting on rivers, lakes and reservoirs. Often seen in large, flyover “skeins.” Some overwinter where water remains open. Scan for rare Ross’ Goose.

Tomhannock Reservoir, Saratoga Lake, Fort Miller.

Brant Seasonally uncommon migrant Spring: mid-May; Fall: mid-Oct.
Passes through quickly. Majority of birds heard/seen as flyovers.

Cackling Goose Seasonally uncommon migrant Spring and Fall
Seen among migrating Canada Geese.

Mute Swan Locally uncommon year-round resident

Seen along Hudson River, occasionally on reservoirs, lakes, ponds, estuaries. Retreats southward in winter.

Tomhannock Reservoir, Basic Creek Reservoir.

Tundra Swan Rare winter visitant Fall: 11/1
Rivers, lakes and reservoirs.

Saratoga Lake, Ft. Miller, Stillwater.

Wood Duck Locally common summer resident Spring: 3/10
Wooded swamps. Dabbler.

Vischer Ferry NHP, Hudson-Mohawk bikepath (Niskayuna), Black Creek Marsh.

Gadwall Seasonally uncommon migrant Spring: 3/14; Fall: 10/5
Shallow ponds, flooded fields. Dabbler.

Stanton Pond, Vischer Ferry NHP, Ann Lee Pond.

American Wigeon Seasonally uncommon migrant Spring: 3/10; Fall: 10/8
Shallow ponds, flooded fields. Dabbler.

Stanton Pond, Vischer Ferry NHP, Collins Lake.

Eurasian Wigeon Rare migrant

Seen in the company of American Wigeon.

American Black Duck Uncommon year-round resident

Shallow ponds, wetlands, marshes. Dabbler.

Black Creek Marsh, Vischer Ferry NHP, Stanton Pond. 
Blue-winged Teal Seasonally uncommon migrant Spring: 4/1; Fall: 9/1 
Ponds and wetlands. Dabbler.

Black Creek Marsh, Vischer Ferry NHP, Cohoes Flats.

Northern Shoveler Seasonally uncommon migrant Spring: 3/15; Fall: 9/15
Ponds, wetlands, and flooded areas. Dabbler.

Stanton Pond, Vischer Ferry NHP, Collins Park.

Northern Pintail Seasonally uncommon migrant Spring: 3/10; Fall: 10/1
Ponds and marshes. Dabbler.

Vischer Ferry NHP, Collins Lake, Stanton Pond.

Green-winged Teal Seasonally common migrant Spring: 3/10; Fall: 9/1
Ponds and marshes. Dabbler.

Vischer Ferry NHP, Collins Lake, Stanton Pond.

Canvasback Seasonally rare migrant Spring: 3/15; Fall: 11/15
Lakes and rivers. Mainly bypasses this area. 

Ft. Miller, Saratoga Lake.

Redhead Seasonally rare migrant Spring: 3/15; Fall: 11/15
Lakes and rivers. Mainly bypasses this area.

Ft. Miller, Stillwater.

Ring-necked Duck Seasonally common migrant Spring 3/15; Fall: 10/10
Rivers, lakes, reservoirs, and ponds. 

Vischer Ferry NHP, Stanton Pond, Collins Lake.

Greater Scaup Seasonally uncommon migrant Spring: 3/15; Fall: 10/20
Rivers, lakes and reservoirs.

Saratoga Lake, Tomhannock Reservoir, Ft. Miller.

Lesser Scaup Seasonally uncommon migrant Spring: 3/15; Fall: 10/20
Rivers, lakes and reservoirs.

Collins Lake, Vischer Ferry (Mohawk River), Ft. Miller.

Surf Scoter Seasonally rare migrant Fall: 10/20
Rivers, lakes and reservoirs. Normally seen on fall migration only.

Mohawk River, Saratoga Lake, Tomhannock Reservoir.

White-winged Scoter Seasonally uncommon migrant Fall: 10/20
Rivers, lakes and reservoirs. Normally seen on fall migration only. 

Mohawk River, Saratoga Lake, Tomhannock Reservoir.

Black Scoter Seasonally uncommon migrant Fall: 10/20
Rivers, lakes and reservoirs. Normally seen on fall migration only.

Mohawk River, Saratoga Lake, Tomhannock Reservoir.

Long-tailed Duck Seasonally uncommon migrant Spring: 3/31; Fall: 10/25
Rivers, lakes and reservoirs.

Tomhannock Reservoir, Myosotis Lake, Mohawk River.

Bufflehead Seasonally uncommon migrant Spring: 3/10; Fall: 11/1
Rivers, lakes and reservoirs.

Basic Creek Reservoir, Vischer Ferry (Mohawk River), Ft. Miller.

Common Goldeneye Common winter resident Fall: 11/5
Rivers, lakes and reservoirs. Scan for rare Barrow’s Goldeneye.

Red-breasted Merganser Seasonally uncommon migrant Spring: 4/6; Fall: 10/20
Very uncommon, usually 1-3 birds, April/November.

Mohawk River, Tomhannock Reservoir, Saratoga Lake.

Hooded Merganser Seasonally common migrant Spring: 3/15; Fall: 10/10
Virtually any body of water. A few overwinter if water remains open.

Common Merganser Common winter resident Fall: 10/10
Virtually any body of water, October-April.

Ruddy Duck Seasonally uncommon migrant Spring: 3/25; Fall: 10/10
More common in fall.

Stanton Pond, Tomhannock Reservoir, Basic Creek Reservoir.

Ruffed Grouse Locally uncommon year-round resident

Early succession mixed deciduous forests, with small clearings.

Partridge Run WMA, Saratoga NHP, Thacher Park.

Wild Turkey Locally uncommon year-round resident

Hardwood forests with scattered openings.

Black Creek Marsh (and vicinity), Albany Pine Bush Preserve, Saratoga NHP

Red-throated Loon Seasonally rare migrant Spring: 4/6; Fall: 10/10
Rivers, lakes and reservoirs.

Tomhannock Reservoir, Collins Lake, Mohawk River.

Common Loon Seasonally uncommon migrant Spring: 4/1; Fall: 10/10
Rivers, lakes and reservoirs.

Tomhannock Reservoir, Saratoga Lake, Mohawk River.

Pied-billed Grebe Seasonally uncommon migrant Spring: 3/14; Fall: 10/1
Marshes, shallow ponds.

Collins Lake, Ann Lee Pond, Vischer Ferry NHP.

Horned Grebe Seasonally uncommon migrant Spring: 3/15; Fall: 10/10
Rivers, lakes and reservoirs.

Collins Lake, Mohawk River, Tomhannock Reservoir.

Red-necked Grebe Seasonally uncommon migrant Spring: 4/3; Fall: 10/15
Rivers, lakes and reservoirs.

Tomhannock Reservoir, Hudson River.

Double-crested Cormorant Common summer resident Spring: 3/21
Widespread on reservoirs, lakes and rivers.

Great Cormorant Uncommon early spring visitant Late-Feb. through March
On the Hudson River from Coeymans southward. Favors river channel markers as perch.

Embought Bay (Catskill), Germantown.

American Bittern Locally uncommon summer resident Spring: 4/15
In large cattail marshes.

Black Creek Marsh, Cline Rd. marsh (Oppenheim).

Least Bittern Locally uncommon summer resident Spring: 5/7
In large cattail marshes.

Black Creek Marsh, Vischer Ferry NHP.

Great Egret Locally uncommon summer visitant Spring: 4/11; Fall: 7/18
Small numbers seen during spring migration; larger numbers during post-breeding dispersal. Any shallow water along rivers, ponds, lakes.

Vischer Ferry Preserve, Mohawk River. 

Snowy Egret Rare summer visitant Late July- September
Along/near the Hudson and Mohawk Rivers, Cohoes Flats.

Green Heron Locally common summer resident Spring: 4/20
Shallow ponds, marshes, wooded wetlands.

Black Creek Marsh, Vischer Ferry NHP, Five Rivers.

Black-crowned Night-Heron Seasonally rare migrant Spring: 4/19; Fall: 8/7
Rivers, lakes, wooded marshes.

Vischer Ferry NHP, Cohoes Flats, Black Creek Marsh.

Black Vulture Uncommon summer resident Spring: 3/10
Increasing due to range expansion. Retreats southward in winter, though a few are now overwintering.

Thacher Park, Five Rivers.

Turkey Vulture Common summer resident Spring: 2/12
Widespread in small numbers. Retreats southward in winter.

Osprey Seasonally uncommon migrant Spring: 4/1
Rivers, lakes and ponds. Some recent attempts at nesting in this area.

Hudson and Mohawk Rivers.

Bald Eagle Locally uncommon year-round resident

Numbers increasing. Rivers, lakes and ponds.

Hudson and Mohawk Rivers, Tomhannock Reservoir.

Golden Eagle Seasonally rare migrant Spring: March; Fall: late October
Main breeding population migrates west of the area. Quebec & Labrador population crosses our area en route to/from wintering grounds.

Mississippi Kite Locally rare summer resident Spring: present by end of May
Range expanding. Breeding pair established in Montgomery County, NY in 2009/2010. Also present in southeast NH and northern CT.

Northern Harrier Locally uncommon year-round resident

Open habitat, especially grasslands and marshes.

Ft. Edward Grasslands, Coxsackie Grasslands, Five Rivers.

Northern Goshawk Locally rare year-round resident

Very localized breeder throughout the region. Prefers dense, contiguous forested areas.

Dyken Pond, Partridge Run WMA.

Red-shouldered Hawk Locally uncommon summer resident Spring: 3/12
Deciduous woodlands, often near rivers and swamps. Retreats just south of the area during the winter months. Red-shouldered Hawks return to the same nesting territory year after year.

Vischer Ferry NHP, Stanton Pond, Partridge Run WMA

Broad-winged Hawk Locally uncommon summer resident Spring: 4/20
Breeds in forested areas, especially at higher elevations. Migrates in large groups. Can be seen in great numbers at fall hawk watches. 

Western Albany County, Rensselaer Plateau.

Rough-legged Hawk Locally uncommon winter resident November through March
Open grasslands.

Coxsackie, Ft. Edward, Northumberland.

American Kestrel Locally uncommon year-round resident

Open habitat, with scattered trees for surveying prey. Often seen on utility wires.

Saratoga NHP, Coxsackie Grasslands, Ft. Edward.

Merlin Locally uncommon year-round resident

Along rivers; also seen at hawk watches during migration. Increasingly found in more populated areas.

Cohoes Flats/Peebles Island, Coxsackie.

Peregrine Falcon Locally uncommon year-round resident

Along bodies of water, primarily the Hudson River. Nests in boxes on bridges, naturally on cliff faces.

Cohoes, Albany, Schodack Island.

Virginia Rail Locally uncommon summer resident Spring: 4/10
Cattail marshes. Calls alert observers to their presence, though they are frequently seen through diligent observation, and during post-breeding forays.

Black Creek Marsh, Vischer Ferry NHP.

Sora Locally uncommon summer resident Spring: 4/14
Cattail marshes. More often heard than seen.

Black Creek Marsh, Vischer Ferry NHP, RamsHorn-Livingston Sanctuary.

Common Gallinule Locally uncommon summer resident Spring: 5/6
Cattail marshes.

Black Creek Marsh, Vischer Ferry NHP, Cline Rd. marsh (Oppenheim).

American Coot Seasonally uncommon migrant Spring: 4/1; Fall: 10/20
Lakes and ponds.

Vischer Ferry NHP, Collins Lake, Stanton Pond.

Black-bellied Plover Seasonally rare migrant Spring: 5/15; Fall: 8/15
Mudflats, flooded fields.

Mohawk River, Wright’s Loop.

American Golden-Plover Seasonally rare migrant Fall: 9/5
Most likely during fall migration. Pastures, rocky flats.

Cohoes Flats, Myosotis Lake.

Semipalmated Plover Seasonally uncommon migrant Spring: 5/14; Fall: 8/5
Mudflats, flooded fields.

Cohoes, Vischer Ferry, Staats Island Rd. (Schodack).

Killdeer Locally common summer resident Spring: 3/6
Widespread in shortgrass and gravel areas, rocky flats.

Spotted Sandpiper Locally common summer resident Spring: 4/19
Ponds, creeks, shorelines. Usually a singleton.

Vischer Ferry NHP, Peebles Island, Five Rivers.

Solitary Sandpiper Seasonally common migrant Spring: 4/27 Fall: 7/25
Shallow, muddy, vegetated ponds and creeks, flooded areas.

Vischer Ferry NHP, Five Rivers, Staats Island Rd. (Schodack).

Greater Yellowlegs Seasonally uncommon migrant Spring: 4/10; Fall: 8/5
Any shallow water habitat.

Vischer Ferry NHP, Five Rivers, Staats Island Rd. (Schodack).

Lesser Yellowlegs Seasonally uncommon migrant Spring: 4/22; Fall: 7/21
Any shallow water habitat.

Vischer Ferry NHP, Cohoes Flats/Peebles Island, Papscanee Island North.

Upland Sandpiper Locally rare summer resident Spring: 4/21
Short grass fields and pastures, especially in agricultural areas.

Ft. Edward Grasslands, Fulton & Montgomery County farms/pastures. Notable breeders in West Ames, Montgomery County.

Sanderling Seasonally rare migrant Fall: 8/15
More common during fall migration. At water’s edge or on rocky flats.

Mohawk, Hudson Rivers.

Semipalmated Sandpiper Seasonally uncommon migrant Fall: 8/1
More common during fall migration. Mudflats, any shallow water habitat.

Cohoes Flats, Coxsackie Grasslands, Mohawk River.

Least Sandpiper Seasonally uncommon migrant Spring: 5/1; Fall: 7/10
Mudflats, ponds, any shallow water habitat.

Cohoes Flats, Vischer Ferry NHP, Stanton Pond.

Pectoral Sandpiper Seasonally uncommon migrant Fall: 7/25
More common in fall migration. Reservoirs, lakes, rivers. 

Myosotis Lake, Cohoes Flats.

Dunlin Seasonally rare migrant Spring: 4/27; Fall: 10/1
Mudflats, flooded areas.

Staats Island Rd., Cohoes Flats, Mohawk River.

Wilson’s Snipe Uncommon summer resident Spring: 4/1
Wet, grassy areas, edges of shallow ponds.

Vischer Ferry NHP, Five Rivers, Black Creek Marsh.

American Woodcock Uncommon summer resident Spring: 3/8
Along wooded edge habitat.

Albany Pine Bush, Vischer Ferry NHP, Five Rivers.

Bonaparte’s Gull Seasonally uncommon migrant Spring: 4/5; Fall: 10/10
Rivers and lakes. A few wanderers occasionally seen in summer.

Cohoes Flats, Saratoga Lake, Mohawk River.

Ring-billed Gull Abundant year-round resident

Rivers, lakes, landfills, parking lots. Summer residents are non-breeding individuals. Ring-billed Gulls breed in the Great Lakes region.

Herring Gull Abundant year-round resident

Rivers, lakes, landfills, parking lots. Summer residents are non-breeding individuals. Herring Gulls breed on Long Island and in the Adirondacks/Lake Champlain Region.

Iceland Gull Rare winter visitant Nov.- March
Occasionally appears among winter gulls along Hudson/Mohawk Rivers.

Lesser Black-backed Gull Rare winter visitant Nov.- March
Occasionally appears among winter gulls along Hudson/Mohawk Rivers.

Glaucous Gull Rare winter visitant Nov.- March
Occasionally appears among winter gulls along Hudson/Mohawk Rivers.

Great Black-backed Gull Locally uncommon year-round resident

Rivers, reservoirs, lakes. Summer residents are non-breeding individuals. Great Black-backed Gulls breed along the Atlantic Coast from Long Island to the Canadian Maritime Provinces.

Caspian Tern Rare spring migrant/summer visitant Spring: 4/10
Lakes and rivers. A few wanderers occasionally seen in mid-late summer.

Black Tern Rare spring migrant Spring: 5/15
Lakes and rivers.

Common Tern Rare spring migrant Apr./May
Lakes and rivers.

Yellow-billed Cuckoo Uncommon summer resident Spring: 5/5
Open woodlands with clearings and dense scrubby vegetation, often along water.

Schodack Island SP, Vischer Ferry NHP, Black Creek Marsh.

Black-billed Cuckoo Uncommon summer resident Spring: 5/9
Deciduous woodlands and thickets.

Saratoga NHP, Five Rivers.

Eastern Screech-Owl Uncommon year-round resident

Any wooded habitat with tree cavities, or nesting boxes. Often suns itself in those openings during the day.

Black Creek Marsh, Vosburgh Marsh, Five Rivers.

Great Horned Owl Uncommon year-round resident

Open and secondary-growth woodlands and agricultural areas.

Five Rivers, Vischer Ferry NHP, Saratoga NHP.

Snowy Owl Rare winter visitant

Irruptive species moves southward (typically immature birds) in years with high breeding success.

Barred Owl Locally uncommon year-round resident

Mixed woodland habitat with large trees.

Saratoga NHP, Five Rivers, Partridge Run WMA.

Long-eared Owl Locally rare year-round resident

Open forest adjacent to grasslands/shrubland.

Short-eared Owl Locally uncommon winter resident Nov.- March
Open country grasslands, marshes.

Ft.Edward Grasslands, Coxsackie Grasslands.

Northern Saw-whet Owl Locally rare year-round resident

Forests, densely vegetated habitats, especially fond of eastern red cedar.

Western Albany County.

Common Nighthawk Seasonally uncommon migrant Spring: 5/22; Fall: 8/10
Most commonly seen in migratory flight towards sundown.

Eastern Whip-poor-will Locally rare summer resident Spring: 4/29
Deciduous or mixed forest.

Stanton Pond, Malta Tech Park.

Chimney Swift Locally common summer resident Spring: 4/27
Commonly nests in urban areas, forages over open areas.

Cohoes Flats, Five Rivers.

Ruby-throated Hummingbird Uncommon summer resident Spring: 4/30
Forest edges, old fields, orchards, meadows and backyards.

Five Rivers, Schodack Island SP, Vischer Ferry NHP.

Belted Kingfisher Locally uncommon year-round resident

Streams, rivers, ponds, and lakes. Overwinters as long as open water is available.

Five Rivers, Vischer Ferry NHP, Cohoes Flats.

Red-headed Woodpecker Locally rare year-round resident

Open oak or pine savannah, wooded beaver swamps.

Albany Pine Bush Preserve 

Red-bellied Woodpecker Common year-round resident

Forests, woodlands, and backyards.

Five Rivers, Vischer Ferry NHP, Collins Lake.

Yellow-bellied Sapsucker Uncommon summer resident Spring: 4/1
Young forests and edge habitat. A few birds linger through winter.

Five Rivers, Saratoga NHP, Thacher Park.

Northern Flicker Common year-round resident

Woodlands, forest edges, open areas with scattered trees. Some birds regularly overwinter.

Five Rivers, Saratoga NHP, Albany Pine Bush Preserve.

Pileated Woodpecker Uncommon year-round resident

Mature woodlands, suburban woodlots with large trees.

Thacher Park, Five Rivers, Vischer Ferry NHP.

Olive-sided Flycatcher Seasonally rare migrant Spring: 5/15; Fall: 8/20
Forest edges and openings, ponds, with tall snags.

Eastern Wood-Pewee Locally uncommon summer resident Spring: 5/12
All types of woodlands.

Thacher Park, Black Creek Marsh, Partridge Run WMA.

Yellow-bellied Flycatcher Locally rare summer resident Spring: 5/20; Fall migrants: 8/20
Bogs, swamps, coniferous forest. Breeds at the highest elevations of the Catskill Mountains.

Plateau Mountain, Hunter Mountain.

Alder Flycatcher Locally uncommon summer resident Spring: 5/15
Wet thickets, especially of alder and birch.

Five Rivers, Black Creek Marsh, Saratoga NHP.

Willow Flycatcher Locally uncommon summer resident Spring: 5/16
Moist, shrubby areas often with standing water.

Five Rivers, Black Creek Marsh, Vischer Ferry NHP.

Least Flycatcher Locally uncommon summer resident Spring: 5/7
Semi-open woodlands, shrubby fields.

Papscanee Island NP, Five Rivers, Vischer Ferry NHP.

Eastern Phoebe Common summer resident Spring: 3/20
Open woodlands, backyards, parks especially near water.

Five Rivers, Vischer Ferry NHP, Hudson-Mohawk bikepath.

Great Crested Flycatcher Locally uncommon summer resident Spring: 5/1
Open deciduous woodlands, riparian corridors, wooded swamps, urban areas with large trees.

Schodack Island SP, Five Rivers, Vischer Ferry NHP.

Eastern Kingbird Locally uncommon summer resident Spring: 4/25
Fields, pastures, grasslands, and marshes with shrubs. Usually near water.

Saratoga NHP, Black Creek Marsh, Vischer Ferry NHP.

Northern Shrike Locally uncommon winter resident Fall: 11/1
Open country with tall perches, shrubby fields, marshes.

Five Rivers (and vicinity), Coxsackie Grasslands, Black Creek Marsh.

Yellow-throated Vireo Locally uncommon summer resident Spring: 4/27
Edge habitat in mature deciduous woods, usually near water.

Schodack Island SP, Black Creek Marsh, Vischer Ferry NHP.

Blue-headed Vireo Locally uncommon summer resident Spring: 4/18
Cool, higher elevation forests. Common Spring/Fall migrant.

Dyken Pond EEC, Cherry Plain SP, Thacher Park.

Warbling Vireo Locally uncommon summer resident Spring: 4/26
Mixed-deciduous woodlands along streams, ponds, and marshes.

Vischer Ferry NHP, Black creek Marsh, Schodack Island SP.

Philadelphia Vireo Seasonally uncommon migrant Spring: 5/10; Fall: 9/1
Deciduous woodlands. More often seen on fall migration.

Vischer Ferry NHP, Five Rivers.

Red-eyed Vireo Locally common summer resident Spring: 5/6
Deciduous and mixed-deciduous forests, urban areas with large trees.

Hannacroix Creek Preserve, Five Rivers, Albany Pine Bush Preserve.

Fish Crow Locally uncommon year-round resident

Along rivers, lakes, and landfills.

Hudson River, Peebles Island SP, The Crossings (Colonie).

Common Raven Locally uncommon year-round resident

A variety of habitats, mostly outside of urban areas.

Thacher Park, Five Rivers, Tomhannock Reservoir.

Horned Lark Locally uncommon year-round resident

Open, barren country; airports, plowed agricultural fields, roadside edges in winter.

Coxsackie Flats, Saratoga County Airport, Northumberland farmlands (north of Bacon Hill).

Purple Martin Locally rare summer resident Spring: 4/20
Colonial nesters in nest boxes and martin houses, especially in open areas near water. 

Saratoga Lake and vicinity.

Tree Swallow Locally common summer resident Spring: 3/12
Open areas near water and fields, especially wooded swamps and shorelines.

Five Rivers, Black Creek Marsh, Cohoes Flats.

Northern Rough-winged Swallow Locally uncommon summer resident Spring: 4/7
Open habitats with nesting surfaces such as river banks and human structures.

Mohawk River Lock 7, Cohoes Flats, Tomhannock Reservoir.

Bank Swallow Locally uncommon summer resident Spring: 4/18
River banks or sand/gravel quarries.

Coxsackie Grasslands, Papscanee Island NP, Peebles Island SP.

Cliff Swallow Locally uncommon summer resident Spring: 5/1
Habitats with open foraging areas, especially near bridges and other man-made structures for nesting.

Alcove Reservoir, Schoharie Creek bridges.

Barn Swallow Locally common summer resident Spring: 4/7
Open habitat including parks, agricultural areas, lakes, and ponds, with nearby structures for nesting.

Black Creek Marsh, Stanton Pond, The Crossings (Colonie).

Brown Creeper Locally uncommon year-round resident

Evergreen or mixed evergreen-deciduous forests.

Five Rivers, Thacher Park, Albany Pine Bush Preserve.

Carolina Wren Locally uncommon year-round resident

Dense vegetation in wooded areas, primarily at lower elevations.

Five Rivers, Vischer Ferry NHP, Peebles Island SP.

House Wren Locally uncommon summer resident Spring: 4/19
Edge habitat with trees, shrubs, and tangles; also farms and backyards.

Five Rivers, Black Creek Marsh, Vischer Ferry NHP.

Winter Wren Locally uncommon summer resident Spring: 4/10
Riparian corridors, coniferous forests with fallen trees, logs. A few birds overwinter; most winter just to our south, return north in April and May at lower elevations first, then expand northward and to higher elevations in June.

Five Rivers, Vischer Ferry NHP, Thacher Park.

Sedge Wren Locally rare summer resident Spring: mid-May
Damp, tall-grass meadows with scattered bushes.

Ft. Edward grasslands, Gansevoort (and vicinity), Sharon Springs (and vicinity).

Marsh Wren Locally uncommon summer resident Spring: 4/13
Cattail marshes. A few birds may attempt to overwinter.

Black Creek Marsh, Vischer Ferry NHP, Hudson-Mohawk bikepath (Niskayuna).

Golden-crowned Kinglet Locally uncommon year-round resident

Breeds in higher elevation spruce forest, more often seen Sept. through April when retreating to lower elevation mixed woodlands. 

Partridge Run WMA, Thacher Park, Five Rivers.

Ruby-crowned Kinglet Seasonally uncommon migrant Spring: 4/7
Breeds mainly to our north, in spruce-fir forests; a few breeding reports from the northern Catskills. Winters just to the south of our area, occasional Jan.-Mar. reports along the Hudson River.

Five Rivers, Black Creek Marsh, Vischer Ferry NHP.

Blue-gray Gnatcatcher Locally uncommon summer resident Spring: 4/18
Deciduous wooded habitats, especially near water.

Black Creek Marsh, Vischer Ferry NHP, Schodack Island SP.

Veery Locally uncommon summer resident Spring: 5/4
Damp, deciduous forests and riparian corridors. Along with the Wood Thrush, lives at the lowest elevations of the resident thrushes.

Holt Preserve, Schodack Island SP, Papscanee Island NP.

Gray-cheeked Thrush Seasonally rare migrant Fall: 9/25
Occasionally reported on fall migration, usually heard overhead in nocturnal flight.

Bicknell’s Thrush Locally rare summer resident Spring: 6/1
Breeds at the highest elevations of the Catskill Mountains.

Plateau Mountain, Hunter Mountain.

Swainson’s Thrush Locally uncommon summer resident Spring: 5/4; Fall: 9/5
Breeds in spruce-fir forests in the Catskill Mountains, higher than the Hermit Thrush but below Bicknell’s. More commonly observed on fall migration in lower elevation woodlands.

Partridge Run WMA, Hunter Mountain, Plateau Mountain.

Hermit Thrush Locally uncommon summer resident Spring: 4/6
Coniferous and deciduous forests with open understory for foraging. Hermit Thrushes occupy the middle elevations of the resident thrushes. Some birds attempt to overwinter.

Thacher Park, Dyken Pond EEC, Partridge Run WMA.

Wood Thrush Locally uncommon summer resident Spring: 4/27
Mature forests with an open floor and moist soil, with water nearby.

Black Creek Marsh, Schodack Island SP, Papscanee Island NP.

Gray Catbird Common summer resident Spring: 4/26
Dense shrubs, vine tangles, and thickets of young trees.

Five Rivers, Schodack Island SP, Vischer Ferry NHP.

Northern Mockingbird Locally uncommon year-round resident

Open ground with shrubby vegetation such as hedges, fruiting bushes, and thickets.

The Crossings (Colonie), Five Rivers, Saratoga NHP

Brown Thrasher Uncommon summer resident Spring: 4/10
Thickets, hedgerows, and forest edges.

Five Rivers, Black Creek Marsh, Rensselaer Tech Park.

American Pipit Seasonally uncommon migrant Fall: 9/20
Recently plowed fields, mudflats, and river courses. More often seen on fall migration.

Stanton Pond, Myosotis Lake, Staats Island Rd.

Bohemian Waxwing Rare winter visitant

Irruptive species feeds on mountain ash, crabapples and other fruit-bearing trees. Sometimes occurs in mixed company with Cedar Waxwing. Usually seen in northern portions of our area.

Cedar Waxwing Common year-round resident

Deciduous, coniferous, and mixed woodlands, particularly areas along streams. Diet primarily consists of fruits, but is seen catching insects over ponds and streams in summer.

Lapland Longspur Locally rare winter resident Dec.- early March
Plowed fields, stubble, and open grasslands. Often associates with Horned Lark.

Northumberland farm fields, Schaghticoke farm fields, Coxsackie Flats.

Snow Bunting Locally uncommon winter resident Nov.- March
Open weedy and grassy fields, and along shores of lakes.

Ft. Edward Flats, Northumberland farm fields, Coxsackie Flats.

Blue-winged Warbler Locally uncommon summer resident Spring: 4/26
Early to mid-succession habitats, especially abandoned farmland, shrublands, and forest clearings.

Five Rivers, Saratoga NHP, Hannacroix Creek Preserve.

Golden-winged Warbler Locally rare summer resident Spring: 5/7
Early successional habitats such as recently abandoned farms, shrublands, and clearcuts.

Hannacroix Creek Preserve, Black Creek Marsh (and vicinity).

Tennessee Warbler Seasonally uncommon migrant Spring: 5/10; Fall: 9/1
Open woodlands. More often seen on fall migration.

Thacher Park, Partridge Run WMA, Five Rivers.

Orange-crowned Warbler Seasonally rare migrant Fall: 9/24
Thickets and dense tangles of shrubs and vines. Nearly all sightings are on fall migration, in late Sept- Oct. for this late migrant.

Five Rivers, Peebles Island SP, Papscanee Island NP.

Nashville Warbler Locally uncommon summer resident Spring: 4/21; Fall migrants: 9/1
Second-growth deciduous or mixed forest with shrubby undergrowth. Usually seen on migration, a few breeding locations have been found at higher elevations in Rensselaer, Albany, Greene and Schoharie Counties.

Grafton Lakes SP, Burnt-Rossman Hills SF, Cherry Plain SP (and vicinity).

Northern Parula Seasonally uncommon migrant Spring: 4/29; Fall: 8/25
Mature forests along streams, swamps, and other bottomlands. Normally seen on migration only, but breeds both south and north of our area. A few June/July reports from the Schoharie Valley.
Max Shaul SP (and vicinity).

Yellow Warbler Locally common summer resident Spring: 4/23
Shrubby thickets and woods, particularly along watercourses and in wetlands, especially where willows are present. 

Vischer Ferry NHP, Black Creek Marsh, Papscanee Island NP.

Chestnut-sided Warbler Locally uncommon summer resident Spring: 4/30
Early successional deciduous woods and scrubby forests. 

Partridge Run WMA, Albany Pine Bush Preserve, Schodack Island SP.

Magnolia Warbler Locally uncommon summer resident Spring: 5/3; Fall migrants: 8/25
Usually seen on migration. Breeds in small conifers, especially young spruces, in purely coniferous stands or mixed forest. A few breeders at higher elevations on the Rensselaer Plateau, western Albany County, and Schoharie County.

Dyken Pond EEC, Burnt-Rossman Hills SF, Partridge Run WMA.

Cape May Warbler Seasonally uncommon migrant Spring: 5/7; Fall: 8/25
Coniferous forests and mixed woodlands, but nearly always around spruce trees.

Five Rivers, Partridge Run WMA, Camp Pinnacle (and vicinity).

Black-throated Blue Warbler Locally uncommon summer resident Spring: 5/1; Fall migrants: 8/25
Usually seen on migration. Breeds in mature deciduous and mixed coniferous-deciduous woodlands with a thick understory, usually at higher elevations.

Partridge Run WMA, Burnt-Rossman Hills SF, Dyken Pond EEC.

Yellow-rumped Warbler Locally uncommon summer resident Spring: 4/12; Fall migrants: 9/1
Mature coniferous and mixed coniferous-deciduous woodlands. Very common during spring and fall migration, a few breeders are found at higher elevations on the Rensselaer Plateau, Northern Saratoga County, western Albany County, and the Schoharie Valley.

Dyken Pond EEC, Cherry Plain SP, Burnt-Rossman Hills SF.

Black-throated Green Warbler Locally uncommon summer resident Spring: 4/23: Fall migrants: 8/25
Coniferous forests and transitional coniferous-deciduous forest, usually at higher elevations.

Dyken Pond EEC, Cherry Plain SP, Deer Mountain Nature Trail.

Blackburnian Warbler Locally uncommon summer resident Spring: 4/28; Fall migrants: 8/25
Mature coniferous and mixed coniferous/deciduous forests at higher elevations.

Dyken Pond EEC, Cherry Plain SP, Burnt-Rossman Hills SF.

Pine Warbler Locally uncommon summer resident Spring: 4/4
Pine or mixed pine-deciduous forest.

Albany Pine Bush Preserve, Five Rivers, Wilton Wildlife Preserve.

Prairie Warbler Locally uncommon summer resident Spring: 4/27
Shrubby habitats and open fields, often with pine trees present.

Five Rivers, Albany Pine Bush Preserve, Black Creek Marsh (and vicinity).

Palm Warbler Seasonally uncommon migrant Spring: 4/7; Fall: 9/10
Second growth and thicket habitats, and open fields.

Five Rivers, Black Creek Marsh, Vischer Ferry Preserve.

Bay-breasted Warbler Seasonally rare migrant Spring: 5/11; Fall: 9/1
Coniferous woodlands, more often seen on fall migration.

Five Rivers, Thacher Park, Albany Pine Bush Preserve.

Blackpoll Warbler Seasonally uncommon migrant Spring: 5/12; Fall: 9/10
Various forest, woodland, scrub and brushy habitats. A small population breeds at higher elevations in the Catskill Mountains.

Five Rivers, Albany Pine Bush Preserve, Vischer Ferry NHP.

Cerulean Warbler Locally uncommon summer resident Spring: 5/5
Forests with tall deciduous trees and open understory.

Max Shaul SP (and vicinity), Schodack Island SP, Hannacroix Creek Preserve.

Black-and-white Warbler Locally uncommon summer resident Spring: 4/27
Mature and second-growth deciduous and mixed forests.

Schodack Island SP, Holt Preserve, Max Shaul SP (and vicinity).

American Redstart Locally common summer resident Spring: 4/27
Moist second growth deciduous forest, with abundant shrubs.

Schodack Island SP, Papscanee Island NP, Vischer Ferry NHP.

Worm-eating Warbler Locally uncommon summer resident Spring 5/11
Steep slopes with dense understory.

Deer Mountain Nature Trail, Holt Preserve, Bennett Hill Preserve.

Ovenbird Locally common summer resident Spring: 4/26
Mature deciduous and mixed deciduous and coniferous forests.

Dyken Pond EEC, Schodack Island SP, Five Rivers.

Northern Waterthrush Locally uncommon summer resident Spring: 4/26
Thickets near slow-moving streams, ponds, swamps, and bogs.

Vischer Ferry NHP, Partridge Run WMA, Grafton Lakes SP.

Louisiana Waterthrush Locally uncommon summer resident Spring: 4/9
Gravel-bottomed streams flowing through hilly, deciduous forest.

Five Rivers, Hannacroix Creek Preserve, Thacher Park.

Connecticut Warbler Seasonally rare migrant Fall: 9/7
Scrub and thicket habitats. All sightings are on fall migration.

Vischer Ferry NHP, Albany Pine Bush Preserve, Dyken Pond EEC.

Mourning Warbler Locally uncommon summer resident Spring: 5/16; Fall migrants: 9/1
Second-growth forested areas, with moderately closed canopy and thick vegetation.

Partridge Run WMA, Cherry Plain SP, Berlin Mountain.

Common Yellowthroat Locally common summer resident Spring: 4/25
Common in thick vegetation from wetlands to pine forests. Frequently near water.

Five Rivers, Albany Pine Bush Preserve, Vischer Ferry NHP.

Hooded Warbler Locally uncommon summer resident Spring: 5/6
Hardwood forests with some shrub understory.

Holt Preserve, Bennett Hill Preserve, Partridge Run WMA.

Wilson’s Warbler Seasonally uncommon migrant Spring: 5/7; Fall: 8/26
Secondary growth and scrub thickets, pond edges and riparian habitats.

Schodack Island SP, Five Rivers, Vischer Ferry NHP.

Canada Warbler Locally uncommon summer resident Spring: 5/5; Fall migrants: 8/15
Found in moist thickets in riparian corridors, brushy ravines, forest bogs.

Max Shaul SP (and vicinity), Cherry Plain SP, Partridge Run WMA.

Eastern Towhee Locally uncommon summer resident Spring: 4/7
Forest edges, overgrown fields and woodlands, and scrubby backyards or thickets. Winters just to the south of our area.

Five Rivers, Albany Pine Bush Preserve, Saratoga NHP.

American Tree Sparrow Locally uncommon winter resident Fall: 10/23
Weedy fields with hedgerows or shrubs, along forest edges, or near marshes.

Five Rivers, Vischer Ferry NHP, Saratoga NHP.

Chipping Sparrow Locally common summer resident Spring: 4/10
Open woodlands, forests with grassy clearings, parks.

Albany Pine Bush Preserve, The Crossings (Colonie), Saratoga NHP.

Clay-colored Sparrow Locally rare summer resident Spring: 5/2
Brushy and weedy, dry habitats such as pastures and field edges. Population gradually expanding eastward from the Great Lakes region.

Five Rivers, Sharon Springs (and vicinity). 

Field Sparrow Locally uncommon summer resident Spring: 3/20
Brushy pastures and old fields. Winters just to the south of our area.

Five Rivers, Albany Pine Bush Preserve, Saratoga NHP.

Vesper Sparrow Locally rare summer resident Spring: 4/13
Open habitats with grass.

Ft. Edward Grasslands, Saratoga County Airport, Coxsackie Grasslands.

Savannah Sparrow Locally uncommon summer resident Spring: 4/11
Open areas with low vegetation, grasslands with few trees. A few birds overwinter, primarily in southern parts of our area.

Staats Island Rd. (Schodack), The Crossings (Colonie), Saratoga County Airport.

Grasshopper Sparrow Locally uncommon summer resident Spring: 5/5
Open grasslands with patches of bare ground.

Saratoga County Airport, Ft. Edward Grasslands.

Fox Sparrow Seasonally uncommon migrant Spring: 3/14; Fall: 10/14
Thickets of dense, shrubby growth. Winters just to the south of our area.

Five Rivers, Ann Lee Pond, Vischer Ferry NHP.

Lincoln’s Sparrow Seasonally uncommon migrant Spring: 5/7: Fall: 9/3
Brushy areas, thickets, hedgerows, clearings, and scrubby areas. More common on fall migration.

Five Rivers, Vischer Ferry NHP, Coxsackie Grasslands.

Swamp Sparrow Locally uncommon summer resident Spring: 4/2
Various wetlands, including marshes, bogs, and swamps. Winters just to the south of our area.

Black Creek Marsh, Vischer Ferry NHP, Bog Meadow Brook Nature Trail.

White-throated Sparrow Locally uncommon year-round resident

Forest edges, thickets, overgrown fields, and parks. Retreats to higher elevations in summer.

Dyken Pond EEC, Cherry Plain SP, Partridge Run WMA.

White-crowned Sparrow Seasonally uncommon migrant Spring: 4/28; Fall: 9/27
Thickets, weedy fields, and agricultural fields.

Five Rivers, Vischer Ferry NHP.

Dark-eyed Junco Locally uncommon year-round resident

Coniferous forests, open woodlands, fields and parks. Common in low elevations in winter.

Dyken Pond EEC, Grafton Lakes SP, Burnt-Rossman Hills SF.

Scarlet Tanager Locally uncommon summer resident Spring: 5/3
Deciduous and mixed deciduous/coniferous woodlands.

Five Rivers, Vischer Ferry NHP, Albany Pine Bush Preserve.

Rose-breasted Grosbeak Locally uncommon summer resident Spring: 4/27
Deciduous and mixed woodlands, especially at the edges.

Five Rivers, Schodack Island SP, Vischer Ferry NHP.

Indigo Bunting Locally uncommon summer resident Spring: 5/9
Brushy and weedy areas, on the edges of woods and fields, and along powerline cuts.

Albany Pine Bush Preserve, Malta Tech Park, Saratoga NHP.

Bobolink Locally uncommon summer resident Spring: 4/29
Open grasslands and hay fields.

Five Rivers, Saratoga NHP, Coxsackie Grasslands.

Red-winged Blackbird Locally abundant summer resident Mid-Feb. through mid-Dec.
Marshes, agricultural fields, pastures, and wet grasslands. Retreats slightly south of the area for a short time.


Eastern Meadowlark Locally uncommon summer resident Spring: 3/26
Farm fields, grasslands, and wet fields. A few birds attempt to overwinter.

Coxsackie Flats, Saratoga NHP, Ft. Edward Grasslands.

Rusty Blackbird Seasonally uncommon migrant Spring: 3/20; Fall: 9/25
Wet areas, including flooded woods, swamps, marshes and the edges of ponds.

Vischer Ferry NHP, Ann Lee Pond, Bog Meadow Brook Nature Trail.

Common Grackle Locally abundant summer resident Late Feb. through mid- Nov.
Agricultural fields, parks, woodland edges, marshes, and suburban lawns. Retreats slightly south of the area for a short time. 


Brown-headed Cowbird Locally uncommon summer resident Mid-Feb. through mid-Nov.
Woodland edges, brushy thickets, fields, pastures, orchards, and residential areas. A few birds overwinter, mainly in southern parts of our area.


Orchard Oriole Locally uncommon summer resident Spring: 5/6
Deciduous trees along streams, rivers and lakes, and near gardens and orchards.

Five Rivers, Rensselaer Tech Park, Saratoga NHP.

Baltimore Oriole Locally uncommon summer resident Spring: 4/27
Open woodland, forest edge, orchards, and stands of trees along rivers, in parks, and in suburban areas.

Five Rivers, Schodack Island SP, Vischer Ferry NHP.

Pine Grosbeak Rare winter visitant Nov.- Feb.
Irruptive species feeds on fruit-bearing trees. Often found in urban/suburban areas with ornamental fruit tree plantings.

Purple Finch Locally uncommon year-round resident

Moist, cool evergreen forests, and mixed forests, along wooded streams.

Partridge Run WMA, Cherry Plain SP, Burnt-Rossman Hills SF.

Red Crossbill Locally rare year-round resident

Mature coniferous forests. Wanders widely between years to find a good cone crop. Will breed throughout most of the year, whenever it finds areas with an abundance of cones.

Burnt-Rossman Hills SF, Partridge Run WMA.

White-winged Crossbill Rare winter visitant Nov.- March
Coniferous forests, especially where large crops of spruce and tamarack cones can be found. Wanders widely between years to find a good cone crop. Will breed throughout most of the year, whenever it finds areas with an abundance of cones. Breeding reports from higher elevations of Rensselaer County.

Common Redpoll Locally uncommon winter visitant Nov.- mid-Apr.
Irruptive species. Winter range extremely variable as birds seek unpredictable food sources. Open woodlands, scrubby and weedy fields, especially with birch trees.

Pine Siskin Locally uncommon year-round resident

Coniferous or mixed coniferous forest. Irrupts southward and to lower elevations in search of seeds. Opportunistic and adaptable, foraging in weedy fields, scrubby thickets, or suburban yards and gardens. A few breeding locations in the higher elevations of western Albany and eastern Rensselaer Counties.

Evening Grosbeak Locally uncommon winter visitant Oct.- Feb.
Irruptive species. Winters in coniferous or deciduous forests, and in urban and suburban areas.


eBird. 2009. eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance [web application]. Version 2. eBird, Ithaca, New York. Available: (Accessed: November 2012).

Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology and National Audubon Society. 2009. eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance. Avian Knowledge Network. Ithaca, NY. Data accessed: November 2012.

New York State Breeding Bird Atlas 2000 [Internet]. 2000 - 2005. Release 1.0. Albany (New York): New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. [updated 2007 Jun 11; cited 2012 Nov 29]. Available from:

Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology. All About Birds: Bird Guide: Life Histories.

Hudson-Mohawk Bird Club. & HMBirds Yahoo Group. Anecdotal sightings.

Appendix A: List of Birds by Approximate Arrival Date

JANUARY- all month

Tundra Swan Rare winter visitant

American Black Duck Uncommon year-round resident

Common Goldeneye Common winter resident

Common Merganser Common winter resident

Ruffed Grouse Locally uncommon year-round resident

Wild Turkey Locally uncommon year-round resident

Bald Eagle Locally uncommon year-round resident

Northern Harrier Locally uncommon year-round resident

Northern Goshawk Locally rare year-round resident

Rough-legged Hawk Locally uncommon winter resident

American Kestrel Locally uncommon year-round resident

Merlin Locally uncommon year-round resident

Ring-billed Gull Abundant year-round resident

Herring Gull Abundant year-round resident

Peregrine Falcon Locally uncommon year-round resident

Iceland Gull Rare winter visitant

Lesser Black-backed Gull Rare winter visitant

Glaucous Gull Rare winter visitant

Great Black-backed Gull Locally uncommon year-round resident

Eastern Screech-Owl Uncommon year-round resident

Great Horned Owl Uncommon year-round resident

Snowy Owl Rare winter visitant

Barred Owl Locally uncommon year-round resident

Long-eared Owl Locally rare year-round resident

Short-eared Owl Locally uncommon winter resident

Northern Saw-whet Owl Locally rare year-round resident

Belted Kingfisher Locally uncommon year-round resident

Red-headed Woodpecker Locally rare year-round resident

Red-bellied Woodpecker Common year-round resident

Northern Flicker Locally uncommon year-round resident

Pileated Woodpecker Uncommon year-round resident

Northern Shrike Locally uncommon winter resident

Fish Crow Locally uncommon year-round resident

Common Raven Locally uncommon year-round resident

Horned Lark Locally uncommon year-round resident

Brown Creeper Locally uncommon year-round resident

Carolina Wren Locally uncommon year-round resident

Golden-crowned Kinglet Locally uncommon year-round resident

Northern Mockingbird Locally uncommon year-round resident

Bohemian Waxwing Rare winter visitant

Cedar Waxwing Common year-round resident

Lapland Longspur Rare winter resident

Snow Bunting Locally uncommon winter resident

American Tree Sparrow Locally uncommon winter resident

White-throated Sparrow Locally uncommon year-round resident

Dark-eyed Junco Locally uncommon year-round resident

Pine Grosbeak Rare winter visitant

Purple Finch Locally uncommon year-round resident

Red Crossbill Locally rare year-round resident

White-winged Crossbill Rare winter visitant

Common Redpoll Locally uncommon winter visitant

Pine Siskin Locally uncommon year-round resident

Evening Grosbeak Locally uncommon winter visitant


Turkey Vulture 2/12

Red-winged Blackbird 2/15

Brown-headed Cowbird 2/20

Great Cormorant 2/24

Common Grackle 2/25


Mute Swan 3/1

Killdeer 3/6

American Woodcock 3/8

Wood Duck 3/10

American Wigeon 3/10

Eurasian Wigeon 3/10

Northern Pintail 3/10

Green-winged Teal 3/10

Bufflehead 3/10

Black Vulture 3/10

Snow Goose 3/12

Red-shouldered Hawk 3/12

Tree Swallow 3/12

Gadwall 3/14

Pied-billed Grebe 3/14

Fox Sparrow 3/14

Northern Shoveler 3/15

Canvasback 3/15

Redhead 3/15

Ring-necked Duck 3/15

Greater Scaup 3/15

Lesser Scaup 3/15

Hooded Merganser 3/15

Horned Grebe 3/15

Golden Eagle 3/15

Eastern Phoebe 3/20

Field Sparrow 3/20

Rusty Blackbird 3/20

Double-crested Cormorant 3/21

Blue-winged Teal 3/25

Ruddy Duck 3/25

Eastern Meadowlark 3/26

Long-tailed Duck 3/31


Common Loon 4/1

Osprey 4/1

American Coot 4/1

Wilson’s Snipe 4/1

Yellow-bellied Sapsucker 4/1

Swamp Sparrow 4/2

Red-necked Grebe 4/3

Pine Warbler 4/4

Bonaparte's Gull 4/5

Red-breasted Merganser 4/6

Red-throated Loon 4/6

Hermit Thrush 4/6

Northern Rough-winged Swallow 4/7

Barn Swallow 4/7

Ruby-crowned Kinglet 4/7

Palm Warbler 4/7

Eastern Towhee 4/7

Louisiana Waterthrush 4/9

Virginia Rail 4/10

Greater Yellowlegs 4/10

Winter Wren 4/10

Brown Thrasher 4/10

Chipping Sparrow 4/10

Caspian Tern 4/10

Savannah Sparrow 4/11

Yellow-rumped Warbler 4/12

Marsh Wren 4/13

Vesper Sparrow 4/13

Sora 4/14

American Bittern 4/15

Great Egret 4/15

Blue-headed Vireo 4/18

Blue-gray Gnatcatcher 4/18

Bank Swallow 4/18

Black-crowned Night-Heron 4/19

Spotted Sandpiper 4/19

House Wren 4/19

Green Heron 4/20

Broad-winged Hawk 4/20

Purple Martin 4/20

Upland Sandpiper 4/21

Lesser Yellowlegs 4/22

Yellow Warbler 4/23

Eastern Kingbird 4/25

Common Yellowthroat 4/25

Warbling Vireo 4/26

Gray Catbird 4/26

Blue-winged Warbler 4/26

Black-throated Green Warbler 4/26

Ovenbird 4/26

Northern Waterthrush 4/26

Solitary Sandpiper 4/27

Dunlin 4/27

Chimney Swift 4/27

Yellow-throated Vireo 4/27

Wood Thrush 4/27

Prairie Warbler 4/27

Black-and-white Warbler 4/27

American Redstart 4/27

Rose-breasted Grosbeak 4/27

Baltimore Oriole 4/27

Blackburnian Warbler 4/28

White-crowned Sparrow 4/28

Eastern Whip-poor-will 4/29

Nashville Warbler 4/29

Northern Parula 4/29

Bobolink 4/29

Ruby-throated Hummingbird 4/30

Chestnut-sided Warbler 4/30


Least Sandpiper 5/1

Great-crested Flycatcher 5/1

Cliff Swallow 5/1

Black-throated Blue Warbler 5/1

Clay-colored Sparrow 5/2 (?)

Magnolia Warbler 5/3

Scarlet Tanager 5/3

Caspian Tern 5/4

Veery 5/4

Swainson’s Thrush 5/4

Yellow-billed Cuckoo 5/5

Canada Warbler 5/5

Grasshopper Sparrow 5/5

Common Gallinule 5/6

Red-eyed Vireo 5/6

Hooded Warbler 5/6

Orchard Oriole 5/6

Least Bittern 5/7

Least Flycatcher 5/7

Golden-winged Warbler 5/7 (?)

Cape May Warbler 5/7

Wilson’s Warbler 5/7

Lincoln’s Sparrow 5/7

Black-billed Cuckoo 5/9

Indigo Bunting 5/9

Brant 5/10

Black Tern 5/10

Common Tern 5/10

Tennessee Warbler 5/10

Bay-breasted Warbler 5/11

Worm-eating Warbler 5/11

Eastern Wood-Pewee 5/12

Blackpoll Warbler 5/12

Semipalmated Plover 5/14

Alder Flycatcher 5/15

Mississippi Kite 5/15 (?)

Black-bellied Plover 5/15

Olive-sided Flycatcher 5/15

Willow Flycatcher 5/16

Mourning Warbler 5/16

Yellow-bellied Flycatcher 5/20


Bicknell’s Thrush 6/1 (?)


Great Egret 7/18

Lesser Yellowlegs 7/21

Snowy Egret 7/22

Solitary Sandpiper 7/25

Pectoral Sandpiper 7/28

Least Sandpiper 7/29


Semipalmated Plover 8/5

Greater Yellowlegs 8/5

Black-crowned Night-Heron 8/7

Semipalmated Sandpiper 8/14

Sanderling 8/15

Northern Parula 8/25

Cape May Warbler 8/25

Wilson’s Warbler 8/26


Philadelphia Vireo 9/1

Tennessee Warbler 9/1

Bay-breasted Warbler 9/1

Lincoln’s Sparrow 9/3

Swainson’s Thrush 9/5

American Golden-Plover 9/5

Connecticut Warbler 9/7

Blackpoll Warbler 9/10

Palm Warbler 9/10

American Pipit 9/20

Orange-crowned Warbler 9/24

Gray-cheeked Thrush 9/25

White-crowned Sparrow 9/27


Pied-billed Grebe 10/1

Dunlin 10/1

Ruddy Duck 10/7

Horned Grebe 10/10

Brant 10/10

Red-throated Loon 10/10

Bonaparte’s Gull 10/10

Evening Grosbeak 10/10

Common Loon 10/12

Fox Sparrow 10/14

Snow Goose 10/15

Red-necked Grebe 10/15

Greater Scaup 10/20

Lesser Scaup 10/20

Surf Scoter 10/20

White-winged Scoter 10/20

Black Scoter 10/20

American Tree Sparrow 10/23

Long-tailed Duck 10/25

Golden Eagle 10/25


Northern Shrike 11/1

Rough-legged Hawk 11/1

Tundra Swan 11/1

Snow Bunting 11/1

Common Redpoll 11/1

Short-eared Owl 11/1

White-winged Crossbill 11/1

Common Goldeneye 11/5

Iceland Gull 11/10

Lesser Black-backed Gull 11/10

Glaucous Gull 11/10

Pine Grosbeak 11/15

Compiled by Thomas Williams- December 2012.

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